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The structure_wood, textile, threads and papermash_200x160cm


Object for the group exhibition ZVERIMEX curated by Anna Šímová at Pragovka Gallery in Prague, 2019 photo by Anežka Konrádová

photo from performance Aphrodite


Soft sculpture called I am part of something, something is around me, something works in collaboration with draq queen Creativeswine…

space object Perioda_200x200x200cm


Collaboration with Lucie Michnová 2019 A collaboration between a painter and a sculptor in which their creative processes intersected to…

The Sun_oil on canvas_180x180cm


Diploma projectAcademy of Arts Architecture & Design in Prague (CZ)2022 The master’s project Meta Euphoria continues the theme of thespiritual…

Medusa_plaster textile and photo print_100x70cm/Mirror_plaster textile and photo print_100x70cm


Self -portraits 2021 This work reflects the motif of the self-portrait, reflecting the social influences of the consumer world and…

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